Gas+Air+Spark= BOOM, also known in the new school as "internal Combustion" Something we can all relate to. The equation that powers our dreams, and makes us tingle when an impressive demonstration of such presents itself.
Madfurther definitely had us tingling this year. After pulling off a super show last year in what could be a record short planning period, this year held a little more time to be creative with the set up and execution of this years show.
Following the theme created last year, there was absolutely no shortage of rad stuff to drool over this year either.
Where else can you get this mix, at a working airport, with this kind of crowd? Madfurther is where...... |
I'll spare you the slobbery wet kisses of description about how great this show is, I did that last year and all I could do is repeat the same words if I tried again as it felt just as good this year. If you want a piece of that see here.
myoshkosh to Madfurther 2013 coverage. This year had just as good a feel if not a little better.
of course with most of the organizers having deep roots in the VW scene there would be a strong contingent here, no disappointments.... |
Pulling cars from all walks of enthusiasm is not an easy thing to do, there is uncertainty, and sometimes animosity between the different brand loyalists at times. Thankfully there is a trend coming about in our world of automotive enthusiasm, one of tolerance and a respect for cool stuff regardless of what the tag on the grill says.
This is called "doing it right"

"that moment when" the jawdropper rolls in....
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