Scrapes, rattles and zipties. To the average person a
carshow with a title like this would connotate something where people go to
maybe get some parts from cars that are about go to spend their last days in a
gravel lot with their paint wilting away in the hot sun and filling with water
whenever it rains, and people slowly take bits of what’s left before they are
shredded for scrap with the remains being sold to a recycler.
But alas, to the folks in the know, otherwise called
“enthusiasts” this has a whole different meaning. Scrapes, rattles and zipties
all of a sudden becomes a representation, or a description of a lifestyle and
culture that we immerse ourselves in 100%.
Scrapes rattles and zipties are a normal part of every day that we drive
our cars, the constant pouring over our cars making sure they do what we want
them to, when we want them too.
Scrapes: Well, the cars are low, it’s a fact that this is a
lifestyle and we love it
Rattles: Most of our cars are in the range of10-20 years
old, pieces have been removed here or there for one reason or another sometimes
leaving an opening for the adjoining part to make a noise as it has a little
free room to move.
Zipties: In many
cases used to fasten wires and hold them out of the way or,
It was virtually impossible to get a good overall of the event as the display area was huge (that is a good thing btw) |
Just another angle of the show, it continued far down to the right also |
Hosted By Bergstrom Toyota in conjunction with WI Imports
the show was in my eyes, at the very least a success. Driving in it was nice to
see a mix of Asian, euro, some muscle and even a supercar all mingling at the
same event. I’ll stop kicking this horse one of these days but this is exactly
what I preach. Tolerance and camaraderie between the enthusiasts of different
automotive marques. Kudos for helping do
that guys, it sure is refreshing.
Cars from all across the globe sprinkled around with each other and everybody having a good time. Dig it. |
The attitude of attendees was great, lot’s of introductions
made and hands shaken, not really any catty stuff about cars but a lot of well
thought out questions, dig the vibe, keep it up.
And the steel I saw, this is why I like seeing more than
just VWs. There is some stuff out there that is just awesome. I saw some stuff
that had me double taking and hunting down the owners so I could ask a few
This car was one that had me on a quest for info. Look for some more on this car on this blog soon. |
Timeless and classic in my eyes. I love these cars. |
Thanks again for getting this out there to WI Imports, and
Bergstrom Toyota!
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