Monday, September 2, 2013

A sneak peek.....

Being known somewhat around town as a car guy, and being social and approachable has left me with many friends and acquaintances. Having done alot of business with Josh at Art City Signs, he is one of them.
    Last week Josh gave me a call to let me know about a contest he wanted to enter to hopefully lay out the building blocks to SEMA, probably the biggest show in the world that highlights the automotive aftermarket. Being 3M certified to "wrap" cars, it is only natural that someone in his line of work would want to showcase his talents this way.
    So the plan is to take his shop truck, and completely transform it so it looks completely different using material from the company Avery Dennison, who sponsors the contest and makes the materials that are required to be used. Easy enough right? Well actually, not really. If you look at the guidelines for the contest, there are some nuances to it that you could ignore, but would greatly reduce your chances of winning.
   With that in mind, we sat down for a couple hours the other day trying to lay out a concept that was both original and not gaudy as part of the contest is to show how easy it is to change the color of your car for much less than it would cost to paint it. Well, from a "regular Joe Consumer" on the street standpoint, I would look at a blue chrome metallic wrapped car and never look at wrapping again! The goal for us is to change the color, as well as show some intricacies that will highlight an attention to detail and not make it unattractive to the regular guy. In essence, show them that it is an easy and inexpensive way to change the color of your car as well as show the judges some originality and creative process.
    I am excited to be on his team for this. It's the kind of thing I like to focus on as when it is done, there is a huge sense of self gratification to look at something awesome that you had a hand in.
   I can't say/show anymore of our project until it is ready for submission of course, but stay tuned. We have a relatively short timeframe to complete it so it will be fast and furious until it gets done!

     Here's a shot of one of my cars, just because I like it and people like pictures....


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