Dubs in the valley made it's first appearance in 2007. 2008 was not bad, probably a favorite for many who were there and still come. In 2009 the venue had changed to our current home, and we were starting to pick up some steam as the word was getting out about our little midwest party.
Also in 2009 (I think, old age, and so many memories really blend into one big blurb sometimes) is when I started seeing all kinds of t-shirts that had some pretty great stuff on them. I'm pretty sure it was at Scooters that I saw my first "Team Eurotrash" star design on a shirt as well as several other that caught my eye.
A short period of time after Scooters that year I got a somewhat anonymous seeming message asking how much it would be to set up a booth and sell some shirts. After the equivalent of internet handshakes went around and I put some thought into it as this was a new thing for me. Somebody contacting me asking to come aboard. Interesting. Not being a "big" show, a small one by all rights I couldn't fathom charging much money, add to the fact this guy said they were coming from somewhere way down south. So more internet equivalent of handshakes went around and Team Eurotrash was signed on for their first DIV. Little did I know what that would lead to for me personally and for the future of the show. Although I already was pretty dedicated to this world, Over the years I have received lesson after lesson from these guys about "dedication" Who in their right mind pays money to drive 400ish miles, to little known show to sell shirts? These guys, and this is precisely why they are getting some interweb here.
If you ask Brad and Dinah seperate from each other the story may differ from each other but it is certain that Team Eurotrash was started in the mid 2000s by Dinah.
Our entire enthusiast world is kept in rotation by people with an idea and a goal. Dinah is a prime example. Thanks for shooting for the stars D and having a will to contribute to the world that you probably saw more in than most. Because any undertaking like this is a struggle..
The early history is a little vague for me, as many of the times it has come up was very late (or very early depending on if you are an optimist or a pessimist) after many malted beverages have given their lives for our enjoyment. But at some point not to far into this Brad was introduced to TET and from what I can tell became a driving force in the marketing and distribution.
Brad isn't a fan of being internet mugged so I'll just put this here:
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First generation of Brads latest creation, more on this farther down. |
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this one is turning into a classic. If you haven't seen it you live under a rock or don't go to VW shows. Either one is fair, no harm done, just the facts..... |
I can't count how many more there are that I either don't have an image of or have myself to make an image. All I know is that when I am in their booth at carshows, I am slinging t shirts like water bottles in the desert. Their facebook page lights up with likes whenever something new or an update from wherever they are is posted. find them here:Team Eurotrash Facebook
They also have an online store where you can get some pretty badass swag here:The store. Go buy something......
And lets not forget about instagram:Pictures from a Eurotrash lifestyle
These guys exemplify everything I preach about when I talk about "the lifestyle". Over the years I have had more fun, met more people, seen all kinds of stuff, made so many friends, man so many friends, had more laughs, killed an uncountable number of malted soldiers, and learned the true meaning of dedication from these guys. Sorry for the gushing, all of that was on a personal level. These folks have become close personal friends over the years. As far as Dubs In the Valley goes, it has been a welcome partnership for many years. If you aren't familiar with Eurotrash, maybe you should get acquainted. They know what's up and aren't afraid to prove it.
Oh yeah, the Porsche. One word:Holymotherofgodlookatthatthing......
So many relationships like the one described have been born from this path I travel. Look for more here because these story's will be an introduction to many of the people you see at events, and an insight as to why they are a good resource for you as a VW enthusiast.
This btw is from their "about us" section on the Big Cartel page:
Eurotrash was started as an alternative to what the scene had to offer. Sick of the drama and lack of enthusiasm for european cars, eurotrash was born. It starts with a few friends and has grown into what it is today. We have seen many fads come and go through out the years but our philosophy has never changed. Build fast low cars, drive hard, have fun and run over those that stand in our way.
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